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<h1></h1><br /><br /><p>N&atilde;o &eacute; novidade nenhuma que a ABNT publicou uma nova norma Reforma em Apartamentos NBR 16280 para garantir a seguran&ccedil;a em reforma em apartamentos e condom&iacute;nio. Se voc&ecirc; quer saber mais sobre o assunto essa norma, mantenha investigando pra se conservar informado. Vamos lhe esclarecer mais a respeito ela pra que voc&ecirc; possa ficar por dentro e at&eacute; mesmo aplicar em reformas futuras.</p><br /><br /><p>A Norma de Reforma em Apartamentos NBR 16280 conta com as etapas de obras de reformas e rela&ccedil;&atilde;o com os requisitos pra antes, durante e depois de uma reforma em um pr&eacute;dio ou em um institu&iacute;do apartamento. Cada im&oacute;vel que altere ou comprometa de alguma mandeira a seguran&ccedil;a da edifica&ccedil;&atilde;o ou de teu entorno precisar&aacute; ser submetida &agrave; observa&ccedil;&atilde;o da construtora e do engenheiro civil. Dentro do tempo de garantia de cinco anos da edifica&ccedil;&atilde;o a responsabilidade &eacute; construtora. [https://www.adsoftheworld.com/user/hamrickmoody6 Sete Ideias Pr&aacute;ticas Para Come&ccedil;ar uma Pequena Horta Em Casa] , ser&aacute; exigido um laudo t&eacute;cnico assinado por um engenheiro civil ou arquiteto.</p><br /><br /><p>O s&iacute;ndico ou a administradora poder&atilde;o autorizar com observa&ccedil;&otilde;es ou proibir a reforma. Caso entendam que ela ir&aacute; botar em risco a edifica&ccedil;&atilde;o, com apoio em parecer t&eacute;cnico do engenheiro civil, &eacute; claro. A norma visa tirar de forma definitiva o que desejamos chamar de “o faz-tudo, o animado ou o amador”. Com isso passa a privilegiar apenas a legal t&eacute;cnica de engenharia e arquitetura. O propriet&aacute;rio ou respons&aacute;vel interessante pelo pr&eacute;dio tem a obriga&ccedil;&atilde;o de comunicar o s&iacute;ndico todos os detalhes sobre o plano de manuten&ccedil;&atilde;o por interm&eacute;dio [https://fuglsangmoody1.picturepush.com/profile Trinta &Aacute;reas De Churrasco/gourmet Integradas &agrave; Resid&ecirc;ncia] .</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><ul><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>10 tipos de Decora&ccedil;&atilde;o Vintage por ti [http://www.bookcrossing.com/mybookshelf/vogelstorgaard1/ OCDE Defende Aposentadoria Abaixo Do M&iacute;nimo No Brasil] </li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Os m&oacute;veis de madeira no momento em que combinados com pe&ccedil;as de vidro deixam o ambiente r&uacute;stico chique</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Luva t&eacute;rmica</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Anatara Kihavah Villas, Maldivas</li><br />  <br />  <br />  <br /> <li>3 - Cozinha Americana</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>O tapete com listras s&atilde;o capazes de doar a impress&atilde;o de uma cozinha pequena superior visualmente</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /></ul><br /><br /><p>Executar um plano de reforma perto com um profissional habilitado, normalmente um arquiteto ou engenheiro civil. Antes de iniciar a obra necessita ser entregue ao s&iacute;ndico do condom&iacute;nio o plano de reforma e os RRT/ART de projeto e de execu&ccedil;&atilde;o de obra. Al&eacute;m disso, bem como tem que ser mostrado a documenta&ccedil;&atilde;o exigida por outros &oacute;rg&atilde;os de fiscaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o, Organismo de Bombeiros, a t&iacute;tulo de exemplo.</p><br /><br /><p>Depois que o s&iacute;ndico tiver autorizado a obra. O respons&aacute;vel por pr&eacute;dio deve pedir do profissional ou organiza&ccedil;&atilde;o contratada a coloca&ccedil;&atilde;o de placa informativa com a indica&ccedil;&atilde;o do respons&aacute;vel t&eacute;cnico. A NBR 16280 &eacute; uma lei? N&atilde;o, e sendo assim, n&atilde;o &eacute; obrigat&oacute;ria, sendo mera indica&ccedil;&atilde;o naquilo que for instrumento de sua regulamenta&ccedil;&atilde;o. [https://enfermeriainvestiga.uta.edu.ec/index.php/enfermeria/user/viewPublicProfile/114491 Tape&ccedil;aria Pela Decora&ccedil;&atilde;o: Inspire-se Nestes 10 Ambientes - Casa Vogue] &eacute; que a atribui&ccedil;&atilde;o da fiscaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o de obras e reformas &eacute; capacidade do Munic&iacute;pio. Segundo o art. 30 da CF/88, a quem deveria ter sido atribu&iacute;do o poder de conceder.</p><br /><br /><p>Do inverso, obriga&ccedil;&otilde;es e responsabilidades incompat&iacute;veis com o [http://raigal.unvm.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/socialesinvestiga/user/viewPublicProfile/33571 Ambientes Mais Acolhedores No Inverno O Dia] e a atividade que executa s&atilde;o transferidas ao s&iacute;ndico. N&atilde;o encare essa norma como uma s&eacute;rie de exig&ecirc;ncias ou [http://grupposergros.it/index.php?option=com_k2&amp;view=itemlist&amp;task=user&amp;id=1009708 Reformando Casas De Favelas A Baixo custo] , mas como uma proposta de profissionaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o das reformas. A todo o momento que que haver um planejamento pr&eacute;vio, o improviso dar&aacute; territ&oacute;rio &agrave; a&ccedil;&atilde;o inventada, onde ele ser&aacute; minimizado e isso permitir&aacute; que a previsibilidade seja vislumbrada.</p><br /><br /><p>Isso contribui o bom andamento e a finaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o das obras dentro de um tempo plaus&iacute;vel e com custos previs&iacute;veis. Obras que possam p&ocirc;r em risco a seguran&ccedil;a do empreendimento s&oacute; poder&atilde;o ser executadas depois que o laudo e observa&ccedil;&atilde;o pr&eacute;via de um profissional habilitado tiver sido praticada. [https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/storgaardmoody9 Reforma Em Moradia No Litoral De S&atilde;o Paulo Tem Repercuss&atilde;o Extrovertido E Chique] mais sobre o assunto essa norma, vai lhe deixar mais apto pra realizar cada reforma necess&aacute;ria em seu apartamento. Dessa maneira, n&atilde;o a ignore e passe a encara-la como essencial pras reformas que voc&ecirc; far&aacute; futuramente. Por fazer isto, voc&ecirc; estar&aacute; garantindo a sua seguran&ccedil;a e cumprindo com os quesitos necess&aacute;rios pro bom andamento da obra.</p><br />
sexuality, instead of promoting healthy body acceptance.50<br />36. Entire nudity is antithetic to the complex semi-porn of the fashion industry.<br />Julian Robinson observes, &quot;modesty is so intertwined with sexual desire and also the need for sexual show--<br />fighting but at the exact same time re kindling this want--that a self-perpetuating process is inevitably set in motion. In<br />fact modesty can never actually achieve its greatest end except through its disappearance.<br /> [https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/nudists.html https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/nudists.html] there are to be found many essential components of the sexual urge itself.&quot; 51<br />37. Clothes frequently focuses attention on the genitals and sexual arousal, rather than away from them. 52<br />At various times in Western history different parts of female anatomy have been eroticized: abdomens and<br />thighs in the Renaissance; buttocks, breasts, and thighs by the late 1800s (and comparatively diminutive waists and<br />Abdomens). Underwear layout has historically emphasized these erogenous body parts: corsets in the 1800s deemphasized<br />the midriff and underscored the breasts--using stuff including whalebone and steel; the crinoline in<br />the mid 1800s highlighted the midsection; along with the bustle, appearing in 1868, accentuated the buttocks.53 Bathing suit<br />&quot;When primitive individuals are unaccustomed to wearing clothing, placing it on for the<br />first time does not decrease their immorality, as the women of missionary societies believe it'll. It's only the<br />Contrary effect. It brings attention to the human body, particularly for those parts of it which are covered for the first time.&quot; 54<br />Rob Boyte notes wryly that &quot;textile individuals, when they do strip in front of others, usually do it for passion, and find<br /><br /><br />the bikini layout tan lines appealing.<br />shows how clothes designs become a fetish of the body.&quot; 55 Havelock Ellis writes: &quot;In Case the conquest of sexual<br />Want were the first and last factor of life it'd be more reasonable to prohibit clothes than to forbid<br />nakedness.&quot; 56<br />38. The fashion industry rides on the sex appeal of clothes.<br />Peter Fryer writes: &quot;The changes in women's fashions are essentially determined by the need to preserve<br />men's sexual attraction, and therefore to transfer the main zone of lusty display once a specified part of the body has<br />been saturated with captivating power to the stage of satiation. . . . Each new fashion seeks to arouse interest in a new<br />57<br />39. Differences of clothing between the genders focus attention on gender differences.58<br />Psychologist J.C. [https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/beach-nymphs.html https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/beach-nymphs.html] writes: &quot;There seems to be (notably in modern life) no essential component in the<br />nature, customs, or functions of the two genders that will necessitate a striking difference of costume--other than the<br />Want to accentuate sex differences themselves; an accentuation that primarily functions the end of more readily and<br />frequently arousing sexual desire.&quot; 59<br />40. Many psychologists believe that clothes may originally have developed, in part, as a way of<br />focusing sexual attention.60<br />41. Partial clothes is more sexually stimulating (in frequently unhealthy ways) than complete nudity.<br />Anne Hollander writes: &quot;The more significant clothes is, the more significance attaches to its absence and the<br />more awareness is created about any relationship between the two states.&quot;<br />unquestionably a well-known fact that recognizable things arouse no fascination, while concealment lends enchantment and<br />Sparks interest . . . a cloaked body with just enough covering to indicate the outline, is a lot more alluring than a<br />Completely nude body.&quot; 62 And Lee Baxandall detects, &quot;the 'nearly'-nude beaches, where bikinis and thongs are<br />paraded, are more sexually titillating than a clothes-optional resort or beach. What exactly is [https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/milf-beach.html click] is more fulfilling,<br />63<br />42. Modesty--especially imposed modesty--just adds to sexual interest and desire.64<br />Reena Glazer writes: &quot;Women's breasts are sexually stimulating to (heterosexual) men, at least in part<br />because they are freely inaccessible; society further eroticizes the female breast by tagging it shameful to expose.<br />. . . This element of the forbidden merely perpetuates the intense male reaction female exposure allegedly<br />inspires.&quot; 65<br />43. Topfree66 inequality (requiring women, but not men, to wear tops) produces an unhealthy obsession<br />with breasts as sexual objects.<br />44.<br />the encouragement of unnecessary cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation, and avoidance of mandatory<br />breast examinations by women.<br />

Revision as of 21:44, 5 April 2020

sexuality, instead of promoting healthy body acceptance.50
36. Entire nudity is antithetic to the complex semi-porn of the fashion industry.
Julian Robinson observes, "modesty is so intertwined with sexual desire and also the need for sexual show--
fighting but at the exact same time re kindling this want--that a self-perpetuating process is inevitably set in motion. In
fact modesty can never actually achieve its greatest end except through its disappearance.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/nudists.html there are to be found many essential components of the sexual urge itself." 51
37. Clothes frequently focuses attention on the genitals and sexual arousal, rather than away from them. 52
At various times in Western history different parts of female anatomy have been eroticized: abdomens and
thighs in the Renaissance; buttocks, breasts, and thighs by the late 1800s (and comparatively diminutive waists and
Abdomens). Underwear layout has historically emphasized these erogenous body parts: corsets in the 1800s deemphasized
the midriff and underscored the breasts--using stuff including whalebone and steel; the crinoline in
the mid 1800s highlighted the midsection; along with the bustle, appearing in 1868, accentuated the buttocks.53 Bathing suit
"When primitive individuals are unaccustomed to wearing clothing, placing it on for the
first time does not decrease their immorality, as the women of missionary societies believe it'll. It's only the
Contrary effect. It brings attention to the human body, particularly for those parts of it which are covered for the first time." 54
Rob Boyte notes wryly that "textile individuals, when they do strip in front of others, usually do it for passion, and find

the bikini layout tan lines appealing.
shows how clothes designs become a fetish of the body." 55 Havelock Ellis writes: "In Case the conquest of sexual
Want were the first and last factor of life it'd be more reasonable to prohibit clothes than to forbid
nakedness." 56
38. The fashion industry rides on the sex appeal of clothes.
Peter Fryer writes: "The changes in women's fashions are essentially determined by the need to preserve
men's sexual attraction, and therefore to transfer the main zone of lusty display once a specified part of the body has
been saturated with captivating power to the stage of satiation. . . . Each new fashion seeks to arouse interest in a new
39. Differences of clothing between the genders focus attention on gender differences.58
Psychologist J.C. https://s3.amazonaws.com/n-naturist/beach-nymphs.html writes: "There seems to be (notably in modern life) no essential component in the
nature, customs, or functions of the two genders that will necessitate a striking difference of costume--other than the
Want to accentuate sex differences themselves; an accentuation that primarily functions the end of more readily and
frequently arousing sexual desire." 59
40. Many psychologists believe that clothes may originally have developed, in part, as a way of
focusing sexual attention.60
41. Partial clothes is more sexually stimulating (in frequently unhealthy ways) than complete nudity.
Anne Hollander writes: "The more significant clothes is, the more significance attaches to its absence and the
more awareness is created about any relationship between the two states."
unquestionably a well-known fact that recognizable things arouse no fascination, while concealment lends enchantment and
Sparks interest . . . a cloaked body with just enough covering to indicate the outline, is a lot more alluring than a
Completely nude body." 62 And Lee Baxandall detects, "the 'nearly'-nude beaches, where bikinis and thongs are
paraded, are more sexually titillating than a clothes-optional resort or beach. What exactly is click is more fulfilling,
42. Modesty--especially imposed modesty--just adds to sexual interest and desire.64
Reena Glazer writes: "Women's breasts are sexually stimulating to (heterosexual) men, at least in part
because they are freely inaccessible; society further eroticizes the female breast by tagging it shameful to expose.
. . . This element of the forbidden merely perpetuates the intense male reaction female exposure allegedly
inspires." 65
43. Topfree66 inequality (requiring women, but not men, to wear tops) produces an unhealthy obsession
with breasts as sexual objects.
the encouragement of unnecessary cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation, and avoidance of mandatory
breast examinations by women.