Chinese foot massage spa near me

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Through a gentle yet effective therapy, foot massage reflexology relieves tension and clears blockages by stimulating sensory receptors in the nerve fibers of the foot. As a result, energy is produced that branches to the spinal cord where it is dispersed throughout the entire nervous system. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet. During a foot massage reflexology session, endorphins are released into the bloodstream, easing aches and pains, promoting a feeling of deep relaxationand balance. Step 1: Chinese Foot Spa-Amarillo Deep Tissue Reflexology (Spa) is located in Potter County, United States. Treatment that focuses on various pressure points in the feet so as to relief stress throughout the entire body. It is a completely natural treatment that many people seek out to relieve everyday stress as well as promote wellness after injury or disease. can get rid of aches and pains just by applying pressure to the right points on a person's feet. In fact, reflexology has been know to cure a variety of stress-related symptoms and conditions including tension headacphysihes, digestive problems and disorders, insomnia, arthritis, and hormonal imbalance.