Minecraft now has 112 million Monthly Players

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Fortnite may still be the most popular game, however that doesn't mean it's hurting other games. Microsoft's Helen Chiang told Business Insider in an interview that Minecraft now has 112 million active players every month, an increase of 20 million compared to figures in October 2018. This includes players across all platforms and includes players who play as part of an Xbox Game Pass, but it's still not a small feat for a game that has existed in various forms for a good decade. my blog

Chiang said it was partly a virtue of the creative game's evergreen status -it's a title people "keep coming back to." You may fire up Fortnite or other games that take the spotlight, but there's a real chance that you'll want to build tunnels and homes in Minecraft after that.

Other factors could be crucial also. In addition to its ubiquity across platforms, Minecraft's pixelated graphics and simple mechanics allow it to be played on modestly-equipped devices regardless of whether it's an affordable PC or smartphone. You can still have an enjoyable experience with the smallest investment in hardware.

Microsoft's task is to ensure that the game remains relevant. The augmented reality of Minecraft Earth helps, as does ray-tracing , and other attempts to improve the appearance. However, it's not clear whether this is enough. Roblox recently reached 100 million monthly users, and Fortnite could be getting close (it has reported 78.3million users in August 2018). It's not too difficult for other games to capture the zeitgeist of culture.