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上門補習<br />即私人補習,有不少家長認為子女功課不好,或者因工作問題希望找人照顧卻沒有能力聘請外傭,就聘請了一些導師上門補習,填補在「子女放學後」及「家長下班前」的時間空間,以一對一的模式進行。也有一些家長認為一對一教育是令學生吸收最多的,所以子女到達高年級的時候仍然選擇這種補習模式。 <br />某些上門補習中介 公司經常於不同媒體賣廣告,每月單是廣告費就花下數十萬,如買下RoadShow和牛奶公司旗下700店的廣告板獨市廣告、大型廣告牌、小巴廣告等,令其他曾受極一時但沒有巨額投資於廣告的上門補習中介公司,已日漸淘汰和沒落。 <br />另一方面,由於私人補習賺取的時薪相對高昂,有不少高中及大學生希望賺取零用錢,也會加入這些上門導師行列。 <br />小型補習社<br />在小學至初中層面中,很多時候小型補習社也發揮了上門補習「填時間」的作用。由於香港的小型補習社多為小本經營,不少人視之為當老闆的捷徑發財而漠視教育理想,補習教師體罰學生﹙如以鐵尺打學生,以為家長「嚴格」教導子女作招倈﹚以得到補習「佳績」,更有心術不正者非禮女學生。但一般而言,小型補習社師資較 [http://0rz.tw/create?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmytutors.com.hk%2F ] [https://s.id/ ] [http://tinyurl.com/cyhfeb05 上門補習] 有保證。至高中時期,學生一般較懂得自律,不用家長操心,補習社就主力教授及重溫課堂上不足的地方,同時操練舊試題。 <br />和大型補習社不同的,是小型補習社每班一般不多於20人,有的採取小班教學,這是不少學生及家長所取的。此外,小型補習社多為小本經營,並非連鎖式經營。即使開設分校,也只會位於舊校附近,用作方便開設更多班,而非主動地拓展業務。 <br />值得一提的是,不少大型補習社導師於成名前均曾於小型補習社任教。 <br /><br />連鎖式補習社<br /> <br /><br />英皇教育在九龍彌敦道的大廣告板<br /> <br /><br />遵理學校的大型戶外海報<br />連鎖式補習社的覆蓋性高,分校遍佈港九新界,大多位於市中心,毗鄰港鐵站。 <br />香港目前的補習市場有三大連鎖式補習社集團:香港教育國際(現代教育)(港交所:01082.HK)、精英匯集團 (遵理學校)(港交所:01775.HK) 和英皇教育,前兩家已經上市。 <br />連鎖式補習社主要以「考試導向」的形式教授該科知識︰提供考試答題技巧和講解學校課堂上沒有教授的考試內容,填補學校教育不足的地方,並同時給予歷屆試題供學生操練。 <br />大部份的課堂,尤其遠離灣仔區,油尖旺區,荃灣區,沙田區及觀塘區的分校,都會以錄影班(Video班)為主要上課模式,即該補習教師預先在現場班 (Live班)上課時拍攝講課的片段,然後存放於雲端,各分校需要上課時即可存取,減輕導師的工作壓力,但學生就失去了在課後直接向該教師詢問課堂不明白之處的機會。大型補習社會將分校內數個課室之間的牆壁拆除,再配以玻璃分隔(行內稱拖房或聯播房),部分收生率較高的頂級名師的Live班更會在同一分校內沒有與主房聯通的課室同步播放(行內稱聯播),讓數個課室的學生能夠同時上同一名導師的課堂。 <br />遵理學校更推出網上取籌服務,讓部分頂級名師的Live班學生節省排隊時間。 <br />現時有不少補習導師會在社交網站提供「免費問書服務」,解答在課後的學生疑難。 <br />此外,這些補習社除了提供日常課堂外,也會提供與考試有關的服務,例如舉辦模擬試,讓學生了解在應考公開試前的不足和熟習考試模式。又例如會舉辦說話訓練,讓學生培養說話技巧。 <br /><br />流動補習社<br />流動補習社出現的原因,是由於香港舖租不斷飆升,而且部分學生的居住環境擠迫,難以提供補習空間,為了節省成本,有些補習老師在麥當勞、大家樂、星巴克等快餐店或咖啡室為學生補習。有老師指揮學生霸佔店內五、六個座位,實施一人一枱做功課,有時會引來食客注目、不滿,甚至出口指摘。<br />專門式補習社<br />除了連鎖式補習社外,香港也有一些補習社是針對個別科目教授,其宣傳方法及經營手法十分貼近連鎖式補習社。 <br />據香港中文大學《大學線月刊》報道,指出大學課程獨特,「大專生補習班」可協助大專生適應大專課程。 <br />盛行原因<br />補習班流行的原因,主要是因為香港從小學至專上教育前的學制下,都普遍實行以公開考試的成績作為主導的應試教育。除直接影響大學收生(JUPAS)的香港中學文憑,舊制度下的學制也有直接影響升讀中六(預科)及中一的呈分試及香港學業能力測驗(小學學能測驗)。無論是哪個考試,學生的公開考試成績直接地影響能接受的教育水平和類型,為在該等考試取得較好準備,補習成為他們其中一個多數的選擇。另外,有不少學生因為不適應/為了提早適應升中課程的變化,特別是英文和中文(廣東話)教學的差異而補習,兩者皆造就了香港的補習風氣。 <br />有論者認為,現時補習則是市場導向所帶動,屬競爭性的拔尖教育,加上家長與學生抱着「有病醫病,無病補身」的心態,務求以金錢換取成績,致令補習產業日趨蓬勃[11]。 <br />香港的教育制度以成績決定一切,公開考試成績幾乎直接決定學生的前途<br />希望能以最短時間完成課程<br />補習班提供實用的應試技巧<br />筆記精簡而且包含學校教科書缺乏的重點,也有評卷準則、外國試題、「考試陷阱」等<br />認為補習教師的教學方式比日校教師更佳或更「考試導向」<br />日校教師的教學質素參差<br />預測試題準確<br />羊群心理,「人補我補」
<br /><br /><h1></h1><br />The microscopic examination of the thyroid gave minimal changes follicular hyperplasia , which were statistically not vital between controls and particular person dose teams RTF, In vitro research have been carried out to assess the results of resorcinol on thyroid function. In excessive-dose teams, a decrease in body weight and decreased survival were famous. Owing to concern in regards to the thyroid results of resorcinol, which have been proven in human studies to occur at high doses, this end-point in particular has been the point of focus in a number of research. In a lot of the older studies, the results of resorcinol exposure on the thyroid gland are conflicting. It has been instructed that thyroid results seem to be depending on an administration route that enables for continued systemic exposure e.<br />Thyroid glands from all surviving F zero parents have been examined microscopically, and mind measurements had been carried out on all uncovered F 1 pups and those F 1 pups selected for behavioural testing. There were no vital intercourse differences. In females, a greater proportion was excreted as sulfate conjugate, whereas males excreted the next proportion of a diconjugate each sulfate and glucuronide teams. From these knowledge, the authors concluded that male rats have the next capacity for glucuronidation than females.<br />British Journal of Industrial Medicine , Toxicologic Pathology , Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology , Arnott DG, Doniach I The effect of compounds allied to resorcinol upon the uptake of radioactive iodine I by the thyroid of the rat. [https://www.pinterest.com/gludmccullough/ https://www.pinterest.com/gludmccullough/] evaluated the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in and concluded that there are not any epidemiological data related to the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in people and that the proof of its carcinogenicity in animals is inadequate; thus, resorcinol is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. JECFA assessed the hazards from using resorcinol as a food flavouring agent and concluded that this use is of no security concern. Overall, the studies aren't sufficient for a statistical extrapolation technique in accordance with the EU Technical Guidance Document EC, a.<br /><br />As is well-known in dermal absorption research, the character of the car has an excellent influence on the absorption of a compound. Resorcinol seems to be absorbed a lot better from anti-acne preparations than from the hair dye preparations beneath regular usage conditions.<br /><br /><h3></h3><br />The effects had been more pronounced at 72 h. The irritation index was given as four. However, owing to missing correlating histopathological changes in the three ranges of the brain examined and within the absence of a dose—response relationship, different indicators of developmental delay, or different adjustments in CNS operate, these effects weren't thought-about as conclusive evidence of a change in CNS function. In the subsequent two-technology reproductive toxicity study RTF, , these finish-factors weren't investigated. No resorcinol-related results on F 0 and F 1 pup survival or the general bodily condition of the pups through the pre-weaning period have been observed.<br /><br /><ul><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Mean information for three donors and sixteen replicates point out a plateau in receptor fluid concentration between 24 and 48 h, as reflected by cumulative absorption values of 1.</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>These substances had been discovered to be potent inhibitors of thyroid peroxidase or I organification.</li><br />  <br />  <br />  <br /> <li>From the scarce data out there, the use of resorcinol in hair dyes zero.</li><br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Five of three.</li><br />  <br />  <br />  <br /> <li>IARC evaluated the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in and concluded that there are no epidemiological knowledge relevant to the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in people and that the evidence of its carcinogenicity in animals is insufficient; thus, resorcinol is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>Resorcinol enters the setting mainly during its utilization in client merchandise hair dyes and pharmaceuticals.</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <li>In both species, there have been no adverse effects on final mean physique weights, haematology, or clinical chemistry parameters, and no chemical-associated gross or microscopic lesions were noticed.</li><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /></ul><br />Apart from one constructive single case-research Vilaplana et al. In these circumstances, the tested concentration of resorcinol was 0. The information are summarized in Table eight. Data in regards to the completely different job classes weren't supplied.<br /><br /><h2></h2><br />Koppers Company studied attainable pores and skin irritating effects of flaked or industrial resorcinol in male albino rabbits mg beneath occlusive circumstances over 24 h, scoring after 24 and seventy two h. In one research carried out with male Syrian golden hamsters, which focused solely on results on the forestomach, pyloric area, and urinary bladder, the animals were dosed with zero or zero.<br />In each species, there were no adverse results on last imply body weights, haematology, or clinical chemistry parameters, and no chemical-related gross or microscopic lesions have been noticed. In one other research, rats were uncovered to zero or zero. No thyroid hormone measurements have been performed.<br />From its use in topical medication and from limited information from occupational research, resorcinol doesn't appear to be irritating to the pores and skin in the concentrations reported. Van Leeuwen et al. There isn't any indication as as to whether the teratogenic effects have been endocrine mediated or not EC, c. In humans, dermal publicity to resorcinol has been reported to be related to thyroid results, CNS disturbances, red blood cell changes, and a low incidence of skin sensitization. Five of three.<br />The acute dermal toxicity of resorcinol was studied in male albino rabbits Koppers Company, Signs of intoxication included salivation, tremors, and convulsions, and handled skin areas showed slight erythema and excessive dryness. Mean knowledge for 3 donors and sixteen replicates point out a plateau in receptor fluid focus between 24 and 48 h, as reflected by cumulative absorption values of 1. A steady-state permeability coefficient. For male albino rats strain not given;.<br /><br />The third study, carried out in , included of lively employees. In topics males, 13 ladies with a imply age of 37 years, each laboratory and different exams, together with medical examination, have been done; no abnormal thyroid glands or changes in T 4 values were found in any of the subjects compared with normal values Bauer, The above knowledge are limited because of small study sizes, lack of comparability teams, missing present and historical control knowledge, and missing info concerning potential exposure categories. In a study in a plant producing resorcinol by sulfonation of benzene — and in addition producing beta -resorcylic acid, resorcinol—formaldehyde resins, sulfites, and sulfates — staff were uncovered primarily to resorcinol, but the exposure to other agents was not measured for exposure ranges, see section 6. In this plant, three cross-sectional research have been carried out between and Flickinger, In , medical examinations, chest X-rays, pulmonary perform, haematology, and clinical chemistry were carried out with of persons actively employed at a production plant in Pennsylvania, USA. In addition, male rats have larger circulating levels of TSH than females.

Revision as of 20:17, 23 January 2020

The microscopic examination of the thyroid gave minimal changes follicular hyperplasia , which were statistically not vital between controls and particular person dose teams RTF, In vitro research have been carried out to assess the results of resorcinol on thyroid function. In excessive-dose teams, a decrease in body weight and decreased survival were famous. Owing to concern in regards to the thyroid results of resorcinol, which have been proven in human studies to occur at high doses, this end-point in particular has been the point of focus in a number of research. In a lot of the older studies, the results of resorcinol exposure on the thyroid gland are conflicting. It has been instructed that thyroid results seem to be depending on an administration route that enables for continued systemic exposure e.
Thyroid glands from all surviving F zero parents have been examined microscopically, and mind measurements had been carried out on all uncovered F 1 pups and those F 1 pups selected for behavioural testing. There were no vital intercourse differences. In females, a greater proportion was excreted as sulfate conjugate, whereas males excreted the next proportion of a diconjugate each sulfate and glucuronide teams. From these knowledge, the authors concluded that male rats have the next capacity for glucuronidation than females.
British Journal of Industrial Medicine , Toxicologic Pathology , Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology , Arnott DG, Doniach I The effect of compounds allied to resorcinol upon the uptake of radioactive iodine I by the thyroid of the rat. https://www.pinterest.com/gludmccullough/ evaluated the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in and concluded that there are not any epidemiological data related to the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in people and that the proof of its carcinogenicity in animals is inadequate; thus, resorcinol is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. JECFA assessed the hazards from using resorcinol as a food flavouring agent and concluded that this use is of no security concern. Overall, the studies aren't sufficient for a statistical extrapolation technique in accordance with the EU Technical Guidance Document EC, a.

As is well-known in dermal absorption research, the character of the car has an excellent influence on the absorption of a compound. Resorcinol seems to be absorbed a lot better from anti-acne preparations than from the hair dye preparations beneath regular usage conditions.

The effects had been more pronounced at 72 h. The irritation index was given as four. However, owing to missing correlating histopathological changes in the three ranges of the brain examined and within the absence of a dose—response relationship, different indicators of developmental delay, or different adjustments in CNS operate, these effects weren't thought-about as conclusive evidence of a change in CNS function. In the subsequent two-technology reproductive toxicity study RTF, , these finish-factors weren't investigated. No resorcinol-related results on F 0 and F 1 pup survival or the general bodily condition of the pups through the pre-weaning period have been observed.

  • Mean information for three donors and sixteen replicates point out a plateau in receptor fluid concentration between 24 and 48 h, as reflected by cumulative absorption values of 1.

  • These substances had been discovered to be potent inhibitors of thyroid peroxidase or I organification.

  • From the scarce data out there, the use of resorcinol in hair dyes zero.

  • Five of three.

  • IARC evaluated the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in and concluded that there are no epidemiological knowledge relevant to the carcinogenicity of resorcinol in people and that the evidence of its carcinogenicity in animals is insufficient; thus, resorcinol is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.

  • Resorcinol enters the setting mainly during its utilization in client merchandise hair dyes and pharmaceuticals.

  • In both species, there have been no adverse effects on final mean physique weights, haematology, or clinical chemistry parameters, and no chemical-associated gross or microscopic lesions were noticed.

Apart from one constructive single case-research Vilaplana et al. In these circumstances, the tested concentration of resorcinol was 0. The information are summarized in Table eight. Data in regards to the completely different job classes weren't supplied.

Koppers Company studied attainable pores and skin irritating effects of flaked or industrial resorcinol in male albino rabbits mg beneath occlusive circumstances over 24 h, scoring after 24 and seventy two h. In one research carried out with male Syrian golden hamsters, which focused solely on results on the forestomach, pyloric area, and urinary bladder, the animals were dosed with zero or zero.
In each species, there were no adverse results on last imply body weights, haematology, or clinical chemistry parameters, and no chemical-related gross or microscopic lesions have been noticed. In one other research, rats were uncovered to zero or zero. No thyroid hormone measurements have been performed.
From its use in topical medication and from limited information from occupational research, resorcinol doesn't appear to be irritating to the pores and skin in the concentrations reported. Van Leeuwen et al. There isn't any indication as as to whether the teratogenic effects have been endocrine mediated or not EC, c. In humans, dermal publicity to resorcinol has been reported to be related to thyroid results, CNS disturbances, red blood cell changes, and a low incidence of skin sensitization. Five of three.
The acute dermal toxicity of resorcinol was studied in male albino rabbits Koppers Company, Signs of intoxication included salivation, tremors, and convulsions, and handled skin areas showed slight erythema and excessive dryness. Mean knowledge for 3 donors and sixteen replicates point out a plateau in receptor fluid focus between 24 and 48 h, as reflected by cumulative absorption values of 1. A steady-state permeability coefficient. For male albino rats strain not given;.

The third study, carried out in , included of lively employees. In topics males, 13 ladies with a imply age of 37 years, each laboratory and different exams, together with medical examination, have been done; no abnormal thyroid glands or changes in T 4 values were found in any of the subjects compared with normal values Bauer, The above knowledge are limited because of small study sizes, lack of comparability teams, missing present and historical control knowledge, and missing info concerning potential exposure categories. In a study in a plant producing resorcinol by sulfonation of benzene — and in addition producing beta -resorcylic acid, resorcinol—formaldehyde resins, sulfites, and sulfates — staff were uncovered primarily to resorcinol, but the exposure to other agents was not measured for exposure ranges, see section 6. In this plant, three cross-sectional research have been carried out between and Flickinger, In , medical examinations, chest X-rays, pulmonary perform, haematology, and clinical chemistry were carried out with of persons actively employed at a production plant in Pennsylvania, USA. In addition, male rats have larger circulating levels of TSH than females.