UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

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The Civil Services Preliminary Examination consists of atotal of4 00 marks consisting of two compulsory papers of General Knowledge Paper, First and General Studies Paper. This examination will be of objective type. Keep in mind, prelims is only a retrenchment exam, its marks are not added to the all-over marks of the entire exam. The Commission(UPSC) has prescribed 33% minimum qualifying marks in the General Studies Paper II (which is called CSAT in the language of speech). This means that its marks will not be added to the integer of prelims. Only paper 1 marks will be added to the total marks of prelims exam.

If you cross the cut-off marks of that year on the basis of the first paper depreciation, you will be admitted to the Civil Services Mens Exam. But the condition is that paper 2 will have to bring at least 33% (66 marks) of 200, otherwise the mens will not get admission in the examination.

upsc syllabus in hindi 2021

As you know each question paper will be of two hours duration. However, blind and unable to walk and candidates suffering from cerebral palsy whose inability to do so affects their performance capacity (writing) (disability up to a minimum of 40%), will be given an extra time of twenty minutes per hour in both civil services (Prelims) examination and Civil Services (Mains) examination.